So, it's true. You sign your name in blood to get a good job here in China. Today, the school that is hiring me sent me to have a medical examination, a thorough physical. ECG, ENT, chest x-ray, and a partridge in a pear tree. You name it; they did it. I even had to spill out three vials of blood. There you go, China. Now you own even my DNA. Remember the days when couples used to have to get blood tests before they were allowed to be married? I'll find out on Friday afternoon whether China and I are compatible. Something tells me I may end up with a false positive. But as long as it gets me a paycheck for the next five months, I'll endure the temporary custody of matrimonial obedience. Then, come mid-July, I'm getting a divorce. And I'll be damned if I have to pay alimony. First marriages are just test drives anyway, right? You should always marry for money at least once in your life. I've got mine over and done with. Next time, I'm getting hitched the old fashioned way.
I am at least please to hear that you have a job prospect. I suppose the jury is still out whether your blood will exclude you, but I can't think of a reason it would. This seems very strange to my American sensibilities. Is this process something that all people in China go through to get a job, or just foreigners?
I believe some of the Chinese also have to go through this process, depending upon their job, but certainly not all of them. It was mostly us foreigners at the clinique.
Post of detailed job prospects soon to come... (as is a long-overdue email to you!)
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